Jinny’s Book Newsletter
Jinny Uppal’s Book Newsletter
Where should the award seal be on the cover?

Where should the award seal be on the cover?

Book Newsletter 22


The last couple of weeks have been busy with an IG Live, the book launch party and a few interviews for the book. You can see pictures of the book launch here (and here). Not to mention spring is out in north east USA, which means warmer weather to look forward to!

As I design the hardcover, I have an opportunity to redesign the paperback cover as well and add the seal for the Gold award that the book won. I’d love your philosophical point on view on where the award seal should be placed. My cover designer created two mockups pictured above. I am summarizing the choices and mindset behind each.

Option 1: Award seal is front and center on the cover, claiming and owning it.

Option 2: Award seal is in the back of the cover. The book stands on its own, without external validation from awards

What would you vote for? You can reply to this email, click on the comment option (which will take you to substack website) or DM me. Tell me why you chose the option.

Look forward to hearing what you think!


Jinny’s Book Newsletter
Jinny Uppal’s Book Newsletter
Audio version of the newsletter published by Jinny Uppal on her journey of her newly published book 'IN/ACTION: Rethinking the Path to Results'.